
Monday, December 13, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Part 2 - Territory Analysis, GIS and Transportation

Napa wine project that covers the process of defining and managing sales territories.

Recommended division is the manual method which follows road network relatively well.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Map from Part 1 showing the demographic characteristics

Map from Part 2 showing buffers in part 2.

Maps of Market Area 2 and 3 as well as which store you selected as the Model Store.

Map of the available properties and their one‐mile ring buffer.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week 1 - Prepare

Week 1 prepare for San Francisco Bay Area polution study.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Challenge 6 - Case Study

Joe Rector
08 AUG 2010

Using Today’s Technology To Discovery Yesterday’s Past
Archeological Case Study Analysis

The 1930’s image of Boris Karloff as the Mummy is the image that comes to mind of most people when archeology and Egypt are mentioned. While the animated, slow-gated, gauze-wrapped fiend might not accurately depict the actual mummies of the Nile delta, the pick-wielding, pith helmet wearing adventurer and the surveyor eyeing through a transit at a distance rodman has been a fairly close representation of the way archeology had been done for centuries. That is, until now.
In an article published in Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer titled Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Archeology, Ayse Gulcin Kucukkaya writes about the use of photogrammetry and remote sensing technologies to survey remote archeological sites all over the world. Underground structures are able to be observed by way of remotely sensed aerial photography and satellite imagery from surfaced features detected by infrared film and digital multispectral, hyper-spectral, and synthetic aperture radar imagery. Before the advent of remote sensing technology, many discoveries were made by chance or in the commission of a major exploration.
The article focused on three specific regions, Rough Cilicia in southern, coastal Turkey, Peten, Guatemala and Angkor, the medieval capital of the Khmer Empire. Each of these areas has been explored for decades, but with the use of remote sensing, the perspectives on these sites have changed. A broader view of the sites enabled archeologist to learn about the greater environment that these civilization existed within. An example is that Angkor was believed to cover approximately 200-400 km2, with the help of remote sensing it has been discovered to cover an area of nearly 1000 km2. Similarly in Guatemala, the discovery of canals and reservoirs has answered questions scientists have asked about the abilities of the ancient Mayans to provide water to vast cities.
The use of remote sensing technology in conjunction with GIS can be used to record and analyze the data collected. With Spatial Analysis tools one can create a map of known locations in a geographical area, analyze the criteria of those sites and create overlays of other probable location to investigate which could lead to other undiscovered sites. This methodology could save archeologist years of traipsing through remote areas hoping to find a lost city. Furthermore GIS tools can create maps that tie together the network of sites to provide clues into the daily and seasonal routines of these ancient peoples.
In these cases studies, remote sensing is clearly the obvious choice for mapping archeological sites. The speed, accuracy and cost effectiveness is obvious. An expedition to map the remote region in Northern Iran, as discussed in the article, would be nearly impossible to accomplish in today’s political climate. Access to the challenge terrain of the southern coast of Turkey limits manned exploring. The jungle growth of the Guatemalan rain forest swallows uninhabited cities making them nearly invisible at ground level. Remote sensing is the only way some of these locations will be explored in our lifetimes.
So what is the downside to using remote sensing? It is us becoming over dependent on the technology. In many cases, on the ground reconnaissance is necessary to confirm what we “see” in photographs. Over two decades ago a stir in the world of science was created by the discovery of an artifact using remote sensing that sent shockwaves through the universe. A carving of a face was photograph by the Viking spacecraft in 1976. The photo was compelling, and was controversial. An ancient Egyptian looking face was clear to see in the image which was taken with the most modern equipment available at the time. A more recent image in an article, “Unmasking the Face on Mars”, published NASA News, revealed a different view. The 2001 flight of the Mars Global Surveyor sent back images that were 1.56 meters pixels, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. The results were … enlightening.

1976 Viking photo with 43 meters per pixel resolution

2001 Mars Global Surveyor photo with 1.56 meter per pixel resolution

Works Cited

Kucukkaya, Ayse Gulcin. “Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Archeology”. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. 23 December 2003.

“Unmasking the Face on Mars”. NASA Science. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. 24 May 2001.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Module 1 - Challenge Remote Sensing

First map created in ERDAS

Tough to get going but after a while I seemed to get the hang of it!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Week 11 - Final Project

Iowa takes top honors. High school students in Iowa take the top spot for highest average SAT score of 604 in 2009. However, a deeper look into the numbers reveals that only 3% of the potential students eligible to take the test did so. This is in contrast to Maine that has a participation rate of 90% and still turned in an respectable average of 463. Overall the result show that although the Midwest has higher average scores, the participation rate in the Northeast is consistently over 70%, maintaining their reputation as a region focused on education.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Week 11 - Google Earth

I chose this location for several reasons. One, it is located in an area that rates high on the wind chart. Second, it has sparce residential impact. Third, it is in an area that an existing nuclear power plant was built. I assumed that an indept analysis was conducted for this and that if it was good enough for them ...

Google Earth assignment

Friday, April 2, 2010

Module 10: Isarithmic Maps

This was a pretty straight forward exercise. Interpolation of contours is something I have done for some time in land surveying creating topography maps.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Week 9 - Flow Maps

This weeks lab was the creation of a flow map using immigration information provided by the office of Homeland Security. Basic layout was done in ArcGIS then exported to Illustrator where I did 99% of the map. Used the square methos for determining arrow width. I used a more generalize point of orin that individual countries, with the execption of Mexico and Canada, which I believed were self explanatory ...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Week Eight - Dot Distribution Maps

This lab assignment to me an extraordinary amount of time to complete ... I was somewhat satisfied with the end result although I could have spent a little more time on the final presentation ... I am definitely going to spend some more time in the future experimenting with techniques to speed the process ...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Week Seven - Proportionate Symbol Mapping Laboratory

This was a difficult map for me ... seemed to require too much "manual labor" ... in the end, I felt it started to come together ... could have easily spent three more hours on it ... using a shapefile from a previous assignment for the rest of world helped me get the look I was after ...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Week 6 - Choropleth Mapping

The first map gave me problems until I realized how to get the projection to change the distortion of the map. Also, I discovered the Rotate Data Frame Tool ... nice. The one thing I am still frustrated with is that I still haven't successfully clipped a data frame to a shape (circle) yet ... argh!! I chose to modify the class breaks ... I wanted to distiguish between the states that had decreased and the rest ...

The next map went rather quick ... did all in Illustrator ... I took the liberty to adjust the class breaks again in order to better demonstrate the data and create a more astetically pleasing map ...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Week 5 Deliverable - South Florida Study Area

This map provided an opportunity to experiment with some features. I chose the Gaussian blur outside to distiguish between the Figure-ground. I cut the scale in half because I determined that once I had enlarged the primary map element, the previous version of the scale was to large. I chose not to change the colors and instead at the county labels to focus attention to the counties of interest first, then what the ratio is, instead of the reverse.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Week Four Deliverable - Middle Keys

Adobe Illustator ... I found this exercise pretty straight forward, with just a little difficulty with the text scaling. I have used Illustrator quite extensively in the past, just not for making maps. Typically I have use AutoCad for such endeavors, however Illustrator does offer much better graphics capabilities. I think that the single most helpful tip I could offer is, use the layers. Learn to logically name them and organize them. Placing vectors on certain layers then locking them prevents misques.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week Three Deliverable - Escambia Census Exercise

This map is a compilation of four different methods of analizing the stastical data from the 2000 U.S. Census Bureau. The challenge I faced was with the the Standard Deviation method. I attempted to create five classification to no avail.

The method I chose as to display my analysis of the data was the Equal Interval method. I feel that this method most clearly demonstrates the ratio of African American residents across Escambia county. Several of the other methods, I felt presented a skew of the data by either indicating a wider or narrower distribution of the residents.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Good Map

The is a criminal activity map from the Boulder, CO PD. In my opinon this is an excellent map. It follows all 20 Tufteisms and 6 Commandments put forth by Krygier.

Bad Map

This is a criminal activity map from San Francisco PD. The map uses terrible color combinations and bad text ratios making the map difficult to read. Also, Commandment 1: Map Substantial Information is not followed. You have to study the map too long to figure out what information is being conveyed.

Monday, January 11, 2010